let's talk people first
Growing up I never saw people who looked like me in the media, when I was studying Creative Communication at the Danish School of Media and Journalism, I barely saw anyone who looked like me and when I became a part of the creative industry in Denmark, I continued to be the only representative for minoritized people and in particular women of color. 

So, what does my appearance and background have to do with my work? Everything. 

After several years of working in communications, I noticed that we, the industry, in our eagerness to get attention forget the people we are targeting, who we are portraying and who we are doing it for. People. 

And people look different, act differently and think differently. 

That’s why I help brands communicate by thinking people first. As a Creative Activist I work with identity, diversity, and belongingness. Understanding current societal challenges, gender and race is essential to connect with people and create a world where we all can belong in our diversity.

I currently work as a Creative Activist, Art and Film Director, Communications Consultant and Diversity Speaker. 

Feel free to contact me for work inquiries, collaborations or speaks. I'm currently based in Denmark.
 +45 25721169